Isaiah has come to me on 3 separate occasions to tell me that he just found a big huge black spider. The first time, he had brought his truck inside that had been outside for a few days, and sure enough, there was about a silver dollar size black widow, just ENORMOUS!!! I screamed and ran to get Joe, who was working on the backyard. Joe smashed it with my flip flop, and I thought I would never recover. In fact, I had dreams about the black widow biting me in my sleep.
A few days later, I was weeding in the front yard, and Isaiah came to me with a bowl in his hands and said calmly, "Look mommy! A big black spider!" He was so excited to show it to me, and when I got scared and told him to put the bowl down, he laughed and thought I was crazy. I screamed for Joe, and yet, ANOTHER black widow.
And just a day later, we were finishing the sprinkling system in our backyard (more on that later, I will have a post full of pictures), and Isaiah said he saw a spider. I ran to him fearing it was another black widow, and yes, he was trying to pick it up with his fingers. AHHHH!!! I couldn't take it any longer. I ran to the garage, found my weapon (a shovel) and looked all along the perimeter of our house and began killing any living creature in sight. I wasn't about to have my son die from an attack of black widows. So how many would you guess I killed in a matter of 5 minutes, looking in all our window wells?? Not 1 or 2 not even 3.............I killed SIX black widows and it felt SO SO SO good. I wasn't scared, even a bit.
So, today, a company named Bugged Out came a sprayed in our house and outside. The kids and I have been watching all the big spiders die in the window wells. Good riddance black widows!!
Christmas at the Cabin
6 years ago
I hate spiders!!! How are you guys doing? We need to see new pics :) Hope all is well!
I can just see you - shovel in tow - crouching around your yard sniffing the little buggers out!
Heidi, this is a HUGE step for you! I can't hardly believe that you took matters into your own hands. I do however think that you are going to need some therapy over the matter. I know how you feel about spiders.
Heidi, just know that your mom is absolutely terrified of black widows. My fear began as a child when on occasion a black widow would find its way into our home from the gully nearby. I am relieved no one has been bit, and that you have now enlisted the help of a company to hopefully get rid of them for good!
P.S. I wish black widows had a marking other than the shape of a violin. ☺
Go Heidi! I would have screamed too! I can't stand spiders!
Crazy...we've had 3 black widows. It scares me to death...especially since they are poison and all. We finally sprayed too. Hopefully we never see them again!!!
You'll have to email me and let me know where you live and what you are up to!
AAAAAH!!! I have only found two of the nasty thing at our house. I can't even imagine finding as many as you have! I am glad they are dying. I am like you, after I see one in the yard, I am creeped out for days. Any other spider and I just kill it am am fine, but Black widows are totally different! Good luck being spider free in the future! We miss you guys!
Oh my gosh. I hate spiders. It is amazing what you do for your kids when they are in danger.
I am glad he didn't get bit.
Okay. That freaks me out. I'm impressed with how brave you are. I just get chills thinking about it.
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