At least for me, I can't comprehend the incredible love I have for my little ones until something happens that I have no control over and I just want to make it all better. Last Wednesday, Isaiah was running a pretty high fever and began to cough, and it wasn't just your regular cough, it progressed into a cough that sounded like a seal. Well, that night he was so cuddly and was breathing pretty raspy. I held him for a long time, and because of pregnancy had to go to sleep because I was starting to get nauseous. Joe took over while he was studying. I kept hearing Isaiah cry, but I knew Joe had it under control. Around 2 am Joe decided to put Isaiah in a cool bath because he was so hot and breathing very rapidly, he thought it would help his temp cool down and help with his breathing. Shortly after, Joe quickly woke me up to check over Isaiah. Isaiah's little chest was retracting (meaning it looked like someone was giving him CPR, it was going very concave) his little body was trying so hard to breath and I noticed that his lips were a little blue. I told Joe it was time to get to the ER because I knew his oxygen was low. Joe and Isaiah left to the ER and I just started praying and praying for my helpless little boy. I have never seen him so sick, I was praying that he could breath all the way to the hospital without something drastic happening. To make a long story short, Isaiah has croup. Thankfully they were able to give him epinephrine, streroids, and oxygen. I am SOOOOO thankful for medicine and I am so thankful that my precious little boy is recovering.
I just wanted to post this little video of Isaiah. We had a BBQ last night. Isaiah was trying so hard to blow me kisses and just couldn't do it without coughing. I can't wait until he is completely better. I love you so much buddy!
Christmas at the Cabin
6 years ago
I hope he feels better soon. It's so scary when they are so sick. Our youngest one had croup when he was about 2. The steriods kicked in fast and he improved quickly. Congrats on the new baby! We are due with #4 on the exact same day.
Poor little guy! Nathan had RSV this last winter and it's such scary thing! You never know how much you miss their messes and silly things until they stop doing them and just lay in your arms. I hope he feels better really fast!
It is so hard to see your child sick. We are glad that he was able to get some medications and wish him a speedy recovery! We love you!
You really do feel helpless when they are so sick. We are glad that he seems to be recovering, hope he is fully recovered soon. We'll be thinking of you guys.
That is so sad! Give him a huge hug from us! I hate having sick feel so helpless. I'm SO glad you knew what to do and the hospital was able to treat him. How long will it take to recover? That just makes me so sad! What a sweetheart! We love you and miss you!!!!
It is amazing how much love you have for your kids huh? It shows more when something happends. I am glad he is doing better.
I dread it when my boys get sick. Daniel had RSV when he was 5 weeks old and it was the worst week of my life! I'm glad your little guy is doing well and getting better. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. As a mom you cannot have rest until your kids are happy and healthy. Give him lots of hugs for us. Please let us know what we can do for you. Love ya.
Poor Isaiah! Our Gavin has had Croup twice. The first time he spent 2 days in Primary children's Hospital a little over a year ago and the second time was just in March. We were on vacation in St. George and spent about 4 hours at the hospital there while he was treated. It is so scary to hear and see them breathing like that. I'm so glad you got him to the hospital and that he's doing better!
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