Well, as you can see, baby #3 is going to arrive here pretty quick. All has been going pretty well this pregnancy. I have, for the most part, figured out how to deal with gestational diabetes, but I gotta admit every once in awhile I fall. It is so hard to control diabetes by diet alone. A pregnant girl just needs some sugar once in awhile, not to mention chocolate. So I have my ups and downs, but I am hoping that this baby isn't too enormously big. Sometimes I feel like this baby is going to be huge because my back has been hurting me so much!! I just hope all will go well and that the baby will be healthy and happy. We are so excited to greet this new little one in the world. Many people have asked me if we have thought of a name yet. To tell you the truth, we have been so excited to find out if it is a boy or girl, that we have hardly even talked about names. But, I think we will know when we see the baby's cute little face. I went to the doctor a few days ago and I am dilated to a 1.5 cm and 60% effaced. This could be good news, that the baby will be coming pretty soon, or it could be a long wait. You can never tell with this baby business. We will keep you posted.
Christmas at the Cabin
6 years ago
It looks like your baby will be here before mine. I am almost a 2. I have been doing everything to get her here this weekend. I have been doing jumping jacks and today I went walking and I went and jumped on a tramp. I hope it does something. I have a sinus infection so it is hard because I want her here but not with a sinus infection. We will see what goes on.
I had gestational diabetes with Beck and he was 7lb 10oz...bigger than Elle of course...but not bad. It is really hard not eating good food though...I feel your pain! Oh...2 weeks after we moved in the washer died...so Brad got us a new W/D set...hurray! And Elle talks about Kayla ALL the time. She says that Kayla is going to move back in when we move to FL. Glad you guys are doing well. Can't wait to see pics of the baby!
How exciting Heidi. I always got excited when I was dilated before my due dates, but then I never went early. I hope all continues to go well for you. We are looking forward to seeing you soon! We love You!
How fun that you are waiting to find out. I wish I were that patient!! I've been thinking about you so much lately and just waiting for life to settle down so I could come see you. Looks like you are getting SO close!!! I'll keep checking your blog for updates on the baby. Miss you guys!! Love you...Andrea
Oh, I hope I get to see you before the baby, even though for your sake I hope it comes early...but then you will be so distracted and I haven't seen you FOREVER!!! I can't wait, we miss you both. Tell Joe, Seriously, that phone message was a joke.
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