As every night goes, I wake up a few times to feed my little Porter. Last night was no exception. At about 5:45 this morning Porter woke up with a stuffy nose and could hardly breath. As I stumbled out of bed I checked the time on Joe's phone then I began bulb syringing Porter's nose. As many of you parents know, this isn't always a pleasant thing for babies, but very necessary to get them to be able to breath better. After I finished my little duty, I turned the news on (something I like to do early in the morning to see what the weather will be like) and began feeding Porter. After a few minutes, I heard a knock on my back screen door. Adrenalin pumped through my body, and I debated opening the door. The only person that knocks on that door is my neighbors, but I was so confused why they would be there. I peeked through the blinds, and sure enough it was Kristy and Brian, our next door neighbors. They had a look of panic and that they needed help. I quickly opened the door and said, "What's wrong? Do you guys need help?" They quickly replied, "No, the question is do YOU need help." I didn't understand. Why would they come over to my home, in the dark, and ask ME if I needed help. Kristy had her phone with her and put it up to my ear. On the other end was a crying baby. "Who is that?" I asked them. "It's your baby!" Kristy said. I was so completely confused and my foggy little brain just couldn't process it. Then Kristy said, "Joe's phone called us and this is what we heard, a crying frantic baby. We tried calling back a few times, but there was no answer, so we decided to come over to check and see what was happening." I told them that Joe was asleep upstairs and I didn't know why he would have called. But I apologized over and over again, and I was so embarassed that they were awoken out of a dead sleep to come and save me. They were expecting the worse, and ready to help all they could. Do you get better neighbors then that? I don't think so. I apologized again, and they left with smiles on there face, but I was still so confused as to why Joe's phone had called.
After they left, I found Joe's phone and checked the phone history, and sure enough, they had been called, and sure enough, they tried calling us back. Then it ALL hit me. I had looked a Joe's phone to check the time, and I must have accidently touched a wrong button or two (SO easy to do on the iPhone) and then as the phone was dialing their number, I began bulb syringing Porter's nose (hence the frantic cry). Who wouldn't want to help a helpless sounding baby like this? Meanwhile, when they tried to call us back, Joe's phone was on the vibration setting, and I couldn't hear it because of the crying. Can you believe all this transpired in a mere 5 minutes?? And my WONDERFUL neighbors were awoken out of a dead sleep, Kristy had sandles on in freshly fallen snow, and no doubt that the adrenalin was pumping, just to come and "save the day".
Such an embarrassing way to start out the morning, but so greatful to know that we really do have great neighbors, they would be to us faster and probably more willing to help than 9-1-1. Thanks Brian and Kristy, and so sorry to start your day out on the wrong foot.
So, does anyone want to be my neighbor? :)
Merry Christmas 2024
2 months ago
We LOVE being your neighbors!! We would even beg if we thought you would stay :) It was quite the morning....lots of laughs since!!!
I do. Do you want to move next door to me? It may require you moving a lot but we could do dinner swaps and play games while our children run around wildly. Think about it. It could be fun!!!
Seriously, great neighbors! Pretty much what I would expect from you guys too. So come move next to us:-P Glad everything is alright.
I want to be your neighbor!! And, I'll take Brian and Kristy, too, while I'm at it!! What a great story.
That is the best story I have heard in awhile. I think you are just great.
Kristy called to tell me this story this morning. I couldn't help but laugh. I think you've got the right idea though-if you have to be awake, so should everyone else. Once my baby is born, I think I too will start calling Kristy whenever the baby wakes me-really does she think that she should get to sleep through the night just cause she is done with the baby phase.
On a side note, my 4 year old has asked me dail if we can put his shovel in the van and drive to Kristy's friends house to start digging her basement. He doesn't seem to be forgetting, so if we show up and start digging, don't be alarmed.
You know who else would be a great neighbor??? ME!!! Which is why I'm BEGGING you to buy a house on my street...even after hearing this story! But if living by me isn't much of a turn-on, my neighbor Mary came over once to check on me because I cut my head vacuuming. And she only laughed a little.
I want o be your neighbor!! Would you move to the midwest for a little bit?
What a great story. You are lucky to have good neighbors like that.!
Ummm, I still totally want to be your neighbor. Remember? :) That is good neighbors. Funny that happened...kind of.
That is hilarious! What awesome friends and neighbors. I have a baby monitor story that involved my neighbors. I'll have to tell you sometime.
Your story had my heart pumping with adrenaline. You wrote this whole funny experience so well. There is nothing like a great neighbor.
Yeah for neighbors and HECK YES, anyone in the world would be LUCKY to be your neighbors (even with a crying baby on the other end at 5 something am) =) I WANNA BE YOUR NEIGHBOR!! =)
Heidi, I think you're asking the wrong question...I just want to remind you that we've been TRYING to make you OUR neighbors! Just FYI, the owners of that house you looked at offered US money if you bought it! Not that we'd take it, but I thought it was funny.
That is a GREAT story. Thanks for sharing! I can't wait to meet Porter. Maybe if we're lucky we could make it out to Utah this summer! We miss you guys so much!
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