Here are some pictures from being inside on the snowy days, we gotta get creative........
We made an apple tree and the kids had to find the apples around the house and put them on the tree.
Kayla had a lunch picnic with all of her stuffed animals. She gave each animal a cup and made them food.
Daddy dancing with Kayla when he got home from school.
And Isaiah being his cute content self.
We are so excited for spring. Won't it be great to have the kids hop in the stroller with flip flops, shorts, t shirts and not a worry in the world?
Christmas at the Cabin
6 years ago
You are creative beyond belief!! I need to have some of that creativity float my way. On our snowy days we pretty much play play-dough all day, which gets old fast!!! Thanks for the inspiration! ~Sandra
I know...I can't wait for this weather to pass...and hopefully never have to endure anything like it again! It's just not fair for kids to be stuck inside all winter. Poor Jackson was begging to go to the park today even though it was raining. He said..."that's why we wear rain coats!" Your kids are adorable!
Oh Heidi, I wish it would get warm just for your sake. You're awfully creative, though!
That is such a good idea! I'm SO sick of this crazy weather!
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