Isaiah went in for a MRI yesterday. About 6 or so months ago, we noticed that one of his eyes wasn't aligned with the other eye when he looks to the side. We took him into an ophthalmologist and he wanted to do some further testing of his brain with a MRI. It was more of an ordeal than I thought it was going to be.First, they gave him an IV to be able to sedate him. This picture is after they gave him the IV. Joe is distracting Isaiah with crayons and a coloring book.
Look at this cute little hand. Joe could distract him for a few minutes, but then Isaiah would look up at me with tears in his eyes and say, "Owie mommy!" It just broke my heart.
Joe took the above picture with his phone. This was after they had sedated Isaiah and got him all ready for his MRI.
Kayla and I waited in the recovery room for about an hour and a half and this is how my little boy came back to us. Completely out. He was in a deep heavy sleep and they let him sleep for about an hour and a half and then we began waking him up.
This is how Isaiah woke up. One groggy, but happy boy. Here I am trying to get him to eat and drink. He did really well.
After the recovery period was all done, Kayla and Isaiah were able to ride in a wagon out to the car. I love how Isaiah is all lounged out and Kayla was having the time of her life in the wagon, she couldn't be happier.
When we got home from the MRI, Isaiah could hardly stand and he kept bobbing his head back and forth because he couldn't hold it up straight, it was so sad, but funny to see him try to walk around.
Thankfully, today, the drug is completely out of his system and Isaiah is his cute little self again. I am so thankful for modern day medicine!! What a blessing!
We love you Isaiah!!!
Merry Christmas 2024
2 months ago
That would be so hard, and so sad to see. I am glad it turned out ok and Isaiah did fine.
We are glad to hear that the MRI went well. You look so cute in your pregnancy picture! We can't wait to see if you are having a boy or a girl. How fun to be surprised!
You always feel so bad for kids when they have to go through stuff like this because they don't fully understand. Hopefully everything is okay.
You will have to let me know what the doctor told you. It was really sad to see that he couldn't stand up and walk around straight Saturday night. I also can't believe we are only 4 days apart. We really need to stay in better touch.
What an ordeal. Alyssa had to have cat scan when she was 2 1/2 and they should have sedated her. It was very traumatic for her! I'll be anxious to hear the results of the test.
poor guy. Have you got word back on his MRI results? I hope and pray that evertyhing is fine.
Where are you guys living? Would you want to get together?
email me!
Those pictures are so sad. We hope everything goes well. You look so cute in your pictures and not very pregnant at all. I can't believe how much Kayla and Isaiah are changing!
What a trooper! It is so sad that Isaiah had to go through that! We hope all is well. Let us know. That would be so hard as a mom and dad to have to go through with that. You are so right, Heidi, thank goodness for modern medicine!!!
Poor little guy! Do you have the results back yet?
Poor guy. He is so tough. I miss you and your kids like crazy.
Oh, stuff like this is so hard to see your kids go through. I hope everything turned out alright. Hope things are going well!
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